Welcome to our school website! Fully funded preschool places are available. Open days for perspective Reception children Wednesday 2nd October 9.30am and 6pm and Wednesday 6th November 9.30am and 6pm. We look forward to meeting you

Kirkby La Thorpe
Church of England Primary Academy

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Welcome toKirkby La Thorpe

Church of England Primary Academy

Kindness Learning Trust

Curriculum Framework

All subjects and areas of learning are carefully planned to give each child appropriate, memorable experiences and the opportunity to achieve his/her full potential. Each class is part of the whole school and as a result does not work independently. A topic approach is used, to enable our pupils to make links in their learning. Our school curriculum is carefully planned, in the following cycles: three year cycle in Reception and Key Stage 1; three year cycle for years 3, 4 and 5; and an annual cycle in Year 6.


The following documents outline our long term curriculum plans, based on the 2014 National Curriculum. These act as a starting point for class teachers to ensure that all aspects of the National Curriculum are met. Depending on the needs and interests of each cohort, slight variations may occur within topic areas.


Click on each line to access the curriculum overview:
