Merry Christmas Everyone. School starts again on the 6th January

Kirkby La Thorpe
Church of England Primary Academy

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Welcome toKirkby La Thorpe

Church of England Primary Academy

Kindness Learning Trust

Our Recovery Curriculum

A Recovery Curriculum:  Loss and Life for our children and schools post pandemic


At Kirkby la Thorpe C of E Primary Academy, we have planned our 2020 -21 recovery curriculum to reflect what we believe is best for the children in our school community.  We acknowledge that children will have had different experiences during lockdown.  However, the common thread running through all is the loss of routine, structure, friendship, opportunity and freedom. With this in mind, our recovery curriculum is based on Carpenter’s five levers, as a systematic relationships-based approach to reigniting the flame of learning in each child (


Lever 1: Relationships – we can’t expect our students to return joyfully, and many of the relationships that were thriving, may need to be invested in and restored. We need to plan for this to happen, not assume that it will. Reach out to greet them, use the relationships we build to cushion the discomfort of returning.

  • Pastoral support was in place throughout lockdown.  The school website and regular phone calls were used to stay connected to our pupils and families.
  • Children with EHCP’s were contacted weekly by the SENDCo or attended school.
  • A risk assessment was completed for each EHCP pupil.
  • Children identified as vulnerable were contacted on a weekly basis by the Headteacher/ DSL.
  • TAC meetings continued and these children were invited to attend school.
  • Teachers used the school website as a means of connecting with their class.  Each week a video message was shared along with activities for learning.  Pupils’ work and achievements were celebrated and shared on the KLT website.
  • School remained open throughout lockdown, including school holidays and bank holidays, to support vulnerable children.
  • From 1st June 2020, 50% of Reception and 50% of Year 1 pupils returned to school; furthermore, 95% of Year 6 returned for their final half term of Year 6. 
  • Preparing for a whole school return in September, children in need of additional pastoral support were identified.  A pastoral timetable was established for the first half term and will continue for those that need it.
  • Communication has increased and weekly updates have been sent to parents and staff since March 2020.
  • Parents have been signposted to Healthy Minds and emotional support resources.
  • Microsoft Teams has been set up for all pupils in the event of further partial or whole school closure.


Lever 2: Community – we must recognise that curriculum will have been based in the community for a long period of time. We need to listen to what has happened in this time, understand the needs of our community and engage them in the transitioning of learning back into school.

  • Reduced curriculum for the first two weeks of the autumn term to focus on social and emotional wellbeing.
  • Time allocated to recognise the positives children have experienced during lockdown and celebrate new skills.
  • Use of the ‘Compassionate and connected classroom’ from Education Scotland.
  • Self-regulation techniques from BOSS.
  • Each class developed a ‘Safety Charter’ to support pupils with keeping the school community safe.
  • Posters of handwashing and social distancing located around school.
  • Whole school collective worship takes place on a weekly basis via Teams.
  • The school has separated into three bubbles (R, Y1, Y2/ Y3, Y4, Y5 and Y6) to maximise usual routines whilst keeping children safe.


Lever 3: Transparent Curriculum – all of our students will feel like they have lost time in learning and we must show them how we are addressing these gaps, consulting and co-constructing with our students to heal this sense of loss.

  • Reduced curriculum initially and continue as necessary until January. (September – PSHE, English, Maths PE, RE.  October – include Science).
  • Prioritisation within subjects to cover the most important components for progression.
  • When planning, teachers are mindful of objectives that were due to be taught from March -July 2020 and will amend their teaching accordingly.
  • Entry assessments in week 4 will identify areas of need with unit analysis completed.
  • COVID catch up sessions for pupils that have gaps in their learning will be delivered in small group sessions. 
  • Maths – Third Space learning in January.


Lever 4: Metacognition – in different environments, students will have been learning in different ways. It is vital that we make the skills for learning in a school environment explicit to our students to reskill and rebuild their confidence as learners.

  • Re-establish rules and routines within school.  Shared with parents when appropriate, for example sharing reading books, homework and PE days.
  • Continue with the KLT traditions in an alternative format e.g.  Harvest celebration.
  • Presentation fortnight – to revisit expectations and establish a sense of pride and commitment to work.
  • Revisit the requirements of learning in school (sitting correctly, listening to others, using basic punctuation in writing and sustained concentration).



Lever 5: Space – to be, to rediscover self, and to find their voice on learning in this issue. It is only natural that we all work at an incredible pace to make sure this group of learners are not disadvantaged against their peers, providing opportunity and exploration alongside the intensity of our expectations.

  • All staff support the Growth Mindset approach to learning.
  • Introduce revisiting of key learning in Maths using Flashback 4 (White Rose)
  • Use of Knowledge Organisers to support pupils learning.
  • A commitment to trips/ visitors to engage learners.


Recovery Curriculum Timetable:

Autumn Term 1

September 2020

Weeks 1 and 2

  • A reduced curriculum of Maths, PE and Social and Emotional learning with the focus on establishing children back into school using ‘Compassionate and connected classroom’ from Education Scotland and the ‘Restorative Circle Guide’ from Lincolnshire BOSS.


Weeks 3 and 4

  • To include English/ Topic and RE.


Week 4

  • Assessment using Summer Term 2020 papers from the previous year group to use as entry point data. 


Autumn Term 2

  • To include Science and PSHE.
  • Assessment analysis indicates that we continue with the reduced curriculum until the end of the autumn term. 
  • A requirement to focus on presentation, handwriting and stamina.
  • Use the White Rose resources to revisit key concepts.


Spring Term 1

January 2021

  • To include music and Art or DT linked to Topic
  • Some extracurricular clubs to be reintroduced.
  • COVID Catch-up to begin using Third Space Learning
  • Y6 Booster to begin.


Spring Term 2

  • To include ICT, MFL, Art and DT


By Easter 2021

  • Delivery of the full curriculum




  • COVID-19 Policy – section 3: Curriculum, behaviour and pastoral support
  • Behaviour Policy Appendix
  • Signpost to Healthy minds

