Welcome to our school website! Open days for perspective Reception children Wednesday 2nd October 9.30am and 6pm and Wednesday 6th November 9.30am and 6pm. We look forward to meeting you

Kirkby La Thorpe
Church of England Primary Academy

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Welcome toKirkby La Thorpe

Church of England Primary Academy

Kindness Learning Trust


T o ensure consistency and to promote a smart appearance, children are asked to wear our school colours of red with grey or black. All of our uniform can be purchased from Uniform Direct, High Street, Lincoln, or from


School uniform

  • red school jumper or cardigan, with our school logo;
  • white polo shirts and T‐shirts with our school logo;
  • plain, white polo shirts and blouses are also acceptable;
  • black or grey trousers, shorts, skirts or pinafore dresses;
  • red checked dresses (summer); and
  • black or grey sturdy shoes.  Sandals are permitted in the summer months, but these should be closed toe.


We request that all long hair is tied back for health and safety purposes, and that the colour and hair style worn by pupils is appropriate for school.  In addition, we politely request that headbands etc. are also in keeping with our school colours, and are kept to a sensible size. 


We also politely request that no make‐up is worn to school by pupils, including nail varnish.  


Small studs can be worn and jewellery of a religious nature. 



PE kit

Please note, pupils may be asked to remove jewellery for safety reasons. 


Indoor PE kit

• red T‐shirt, preferably with our school logo;

• black shorts; and

• plimsolls.


Outdoor PE kit

• black tracksuit (for use in winter weather conditions); and

• trainers.


Outdoor clothing

Children should also have appropriate outdoor clothing for playtimes.



• wellies;

• gloves and scarf;

• coat; and

• hat



• Sun hat


Parents/carers are asked to ensure that ALL items of children’s clothing are clearly marked with the child’s name. 

