Welcome to our school website! Fully funded preschool places are available. Open days for perspective Reception children Wednesday 2nd October 9.30am and 6pm and Wednesday 6th November 9.30am and 6pm. We look forward to meeting you

Kirkby La Thorpe
Church of England Primary Academy

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Welcome toKirkby La Thorpe

Church of England Primary Academy

Kindness Learning Trust

St. Denys' Church, Kirkby la Thorpe

Our school has a close relationship with our parish church of St. Denys.  Rector Val Greene, the retired incumbent of the church, is an active member of our school family.  We are currently awaiting the appointment of a new incumbent for our church.  


Collective worship takes place in our church on a monthly basis, along with other services such as Christingle.  


Children regularly visit our church with their class teachers as a place for quiet reflection and the church is our place of safety in the case of a critical incident.


Saint Denys

According to Christian tradition, Saint Denys is a Christian martyr and saint. In the third century, he was Bishop of Paris. He was martyred shortly after 250 AD. Denys is said to have picked his head up (after it was chopped off!), and walk six miles, while preaching a sermon of repentance.  He is regarded with great respect in the Roman Catholic Church as patron of Paris, France, and as one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers

