Merry Christmas Everyone. School starts again on the 6th January

Kirkby La Thorpe
Church of England Primary Academy

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Welcome toKirkby La Thorpe

Church of England Primary Academy

Kindness Learning Trust

Goldfinch Class Year 1/2

Welcome to Goldfinch Class!



PE for Spring Term 1 will be on Mondays and Fridays (updated 06/01/2025)

Welcome back Goldfinches,


I hope you had an amazing Christmas and are ready for the new year! 


What to bring to school:

All student should have a book-bag/ bag and water bottle. Bring trainers for outside PE. Please wear the correct uniform for PE, branded tracksuits (e.g Adidas) are not part of our school uniform.  As the weather is beginning to turn for the worse, please bring wellies and a raincoat.

Please note: Teachers are not allowed to administer sun cream and children are not allowed to share sun cream due to possible allergies.  Show-and-tell will be on Thursdays and should ideally be related to the Topic.


Reading books:

RWI books and Library books will be changed weekly, usually on Fridays. Your child will regularly be assessed and given the appropriate reading level. However, please feel free to read ANY book your child is interested in as this promotes a healthy attitude towards reading and learning. 



PE days may change every half term - please check here for when their new days will be.

This Autumn term 2, PE will take place on Monday and Friday.


Daily Homework:

  • Numbots & TTRS
  • Reading (books and Oxford Owl)


Please note: Your child should have received a LOGIN CARD that has all their login details for TTRS and Oxford Owl etc.


Any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.


Miss Graney & Mrs Hounsell

SEND Support

Spring 1 Timetable

Home Learning

Pupils should be doing this daily:


  • TT Rockstar
  • Numbots
  • Reading


Please get in contact if you need any support. 


Miss Graney

Speed Sounds Sets 1, 2 and 3 for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2

The video demonstrates the correct pronunciation of speed sounds Sets 1, 2 and 3 and allows children to go through each set independently. The video takes c...

Goldfinch Times Tables Challenge

The year 2 Goldfinches are trying to learn and practise their 2, 5, 10 and 3 times tables at home to use regularly in school.



Goldfinch Rock Stars

The children can use their knowledge of the times tables they are learning to become 'Rock Stars'. They can do this by using the Times Table Rock Star (TTRS) times tables website or app on you mobile phone. They can then take their place on the Rock Star leader board in school. Please also try out Numbots, it's equally as fun!



Recommended Reading Books for Year 1 and Year 2

The Goldfinch Grocer is open for business!

Sacred Spaces - Our Visit to Sleaford Mosque
